
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Tips and tricks to an amazing closet!

I hope 2013 has started off amazing for you! If not, it is only early days and there is plenty of time to turn this year around and make it one to remember. New years for me often bring a time for change and that can only mean one thing....time for a closet revamp!

Here are our tips and tricks to making your closet look perfect!

  1. The number one rule we insist you must stick by is ensuring your hangers are all the same colour/style. Even if your clothes are disorganised as long as your hangers are all the same colour it instantly makes your closet uniform, presentable and more put together. They don't have to be all wooden or something pricey. I use all black plastic hangers and theyre the perfect cheaper alternative!
  2. Sort your clothes into sections. I sort mine into tops, pants, dresses, skirts & shorts and jackets. This makes it easier to split my closet up into season appropriate sections. You don't have to necessarily follow those groups but try splitting them into something like the above that works for you.
  3. Once you split your clothes into groups colour coordinate! This takes your wardrobe from drab to FAB!
  4. Organise your shoes together. If you don't have shelving for your shoes invest in some plastic boxes and store them inside or line them along the floor of your closet. You can find great clear shoe boxes at
  5. Organise your handbags together. If you have a top shelf this is where we suggest to line them up against so they're easy to see and access. Alternatively store them in easy to access boxes create more space.
  6. Fold any cotton tops, leggings, workout outfits, underwear and swimsuits and store these in drawers or on shelves.

So theres our tips and tricks!

Happy organising!
Marada xx
Please note: photos are not our own and were found via pinterest.

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